Happy Thanksgiving, Aubrey ISD! Today, we reflect on all that we are thankful for—our incredible students, dedicated teachers and staff, supportive families, and wonderful community. May your day be filled with love, laughter, and gratitude. #ThankfulForAubreyISD
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
happy thanksgiving
Help give our Chaps a true Texas-sized send-off to the Regional Semifinals! The team will depart Aubrey High School at 12 p.m., traveling down Main Street. Let’s line Main with posters, cowbells, balloons, and, most importantly, fans! Please park in designated spots, not along the street. Let’s show our Chaps how #AubreyProud we are!
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
send off
Teachers across Aubrey ISD are heading into the Thanksgiving holiday feeling extra grateful. On Friday, the Aubrey Education Grants for Teachers Patrol awarded nearly $18,000 in grants to educators throughout the district. Among the most excited recipients was Mrs. Fikes from Brockett Elementary!
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
AEF traffic
Today, we recognize the important role substitute educators play in keeping learning on track when teachers are absent. #ChapsAppreciate24
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
sub educators day graphic
All Aubrey ISD campuses and offices will be closed Monday through Friday, Nov. 25–29, for a student and staff holiday. Classes will resume on Monday, Dec. 2. Check out the full 2024–25 Aubrey ISD Calendar here: https://bit.ly/3WFnuNa
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
calendar graphic
Teagen is ready for game day tomorrow and excited to cheer on her favorite player! Are you? Visit Aubrey ISD’s Facebook Events for all the game day details.
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
Teagen is ready for game day tomorrow and excited to cheer on her favorite player! Are you? Visit Aubrey ISD’s Facebook Events for all the game day details.
Educational Support Professionals make up a significant part of the public school workforce, including cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers, paraprofessionals, nurses, clerical staff, security officers, and more. They help keep schools running and students safe, healthy, and ready to learn. #ChapsAppreciate24
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
ESP traffic
Results from Monday’s District FFA Leadership Development Event (LDE) Contest Please help us congratulate the following students on their outstanding performances! Area qualifiers will advance to compete in Anna on Nov. 22. Area Advancing District Champion: Senior Spanish Creed Speaking Jaycee Contreras-Torres Area Advancing 2nd place: Greenhand Spanish Creed Speaking Camila Guitian Rodriguez Area Advancing 2nd place: Radio Broadcasting Ashlynn Navarro Berkley Noles Dayzee Tovar 3rd place: Senior Quiz Carmela Castiglione Elizabeth Esteban London Gravely Nathan Hough 4th place: Ag Advocacy Kate Michael Chloe Owen Mariah Saldivar Kiera Schmidt McKenna Thompson 4th place: Greenhand Chapter Conducting Kensie Bonnell Hunter Collins Brody Hurley Easton Lueders Samantha Morgado Memphis Smith Brandi Tovar Brandan Waddell Evan Wilkinson Greenhand Creed Speaking: Evan Wilkinson Senior Creed Speaking: Zoe Fikes Job Interview: Hannah Marquis Greenhand Quiz: Keri Pfeiffer McKenna Quade Alyssa Waddell Greenhand Skills: Brody Hurley Memphis Smith Easton Strickland Public Relations: Carmela Castiglione Ashlynn Navarro Sawyer Noles Sloan Lomas Ag Issues Forum: Grace Collins Lexi Gravely Naomi Welch Elliott Wilkinson
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
ffa results
Would you consider sharing about your industry with our future community leaders? Please check out the flyer about our Aubrey Middle School Career Exploration Event!
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
career day
Aubrey High School Graduate Earns Prestigious American FFA Degree INDIANAPOLIS — The Aubrey FFA Chapter proudly announces that Sebastian Mejia, a 2023 graduate of Aubrey High School, has earned one of the National FFA Organization’s highest honors: the American FFA Degree. Awarded to fewer than 1% of FFA members annually, this recognition highlights Mejia’s exceptional dedication and achievements in agricultural education and career development. Mejia earned this distinction through a robust Placement Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) at Pennington Equipment Repair and Tire. His hands-on role focused on equipment maintenance and repair, where he honed technical skills, deepened his industry knowledge, and demonstrated a commitment to excellence. Through this SAE, Mejia embodied the values of responsibility, innovation, and perseverance central to FFA’s mission. Earning the American FFA Degree is a testament to Mejia’s hard work and dedication, requiring a minimum of three years of FFA membership, extensive SAE experience, and demonstrated leadership and community service. His achievement represents not only personal growth but also a commitment to advancing agricultural excellence and serving others. The Aubrey FFA Chapter congratulates Sebastian Mejia on this well-deserved honor and celebrates his success as a source of inspiration for current and future FFA members.
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
Sebastian Mejia
Over a dozen people attended the third and final Aubrey ISD Middle School attendance zone meeting this evening at West Elementary School. Please direct questions, comments and/or concerns to: attendancezones@aubreyisd.net
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
in the zone graphic Nov. 8
Your Lady Chaps will face Canyon Randall in the state semifinal round of the playoffs on Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 6:30 p.m. The game will take place at Wichita Falls Legacy High School.
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
state semifinals graphic
This week was National School Psychology Week, a time to celebrate all the amazing things school psychologists do and the important role they play in our schools and communities. #ChapsAppreciate24
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
national school psychology week graphic
Seniors on the move! The Chaparral Legacy Cooperative for community members 60+ toured Aubrey Middle School yesterday. They visited fine arts classes seeing theatre, band and choir students in action, and also visited the outdoor education class where students were making mac and cheese in Dutch ovens outside. Before the tour began, they heard from Aubrey Middle School Principal Dr. Heather Baker who introduced her leadership team. They also perused old Aubrey ISD yearbooks which brought joy and laughter as they saw familiar faces. To become a part of the Chaparral Legacy Cooperative, please reach out to Aubrey ISD Deputy Superintendent Terrie McNabb at tmcnabb@aubreyisd.net
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
Legacy Cooperative Tour
Legacy Cooperative Tour
Legacy Cooperative Tour
Legacy Cooperative Tour
“In the Zone” tonight at Fuller Elementary School was led by Assistant Superintendent Danny Barrentine, while Superintendent Dr. Shannon Saylor attended the football playoff game to support our Chaparrals. About two dozen attendees were present at tonight’s meeting. The next opportunity to be “In the Zone” will be Monday, Nov. 18, 2024, at West Elementary School at 6:00 p.m.
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
in the zone graphic
A Novel Approach! This morning, The Aubrey Education Foundation gifted all sixth grade students at Aubrey Middle School with the novel, “Snowman,” for them to enjoy over Thanksgiving break!
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
AEF Book Giveaway
AEF Book Giveaway
AEF Book Giveaway
AEF Book Giveaway
The first Owens Middle School attendance zone meeting took place this evening. If you missed it, Aubrey ISD is hosting two more Attendance Zone Meetings. Owens Middle School will be the district’s second middle school and is set to open in Fall 2025. Upcoming OMS Attendance Zone Meetings: • Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024 — Fuller Elementary School (Spanish Translation Available) • Monday, Nov. 18, 2024 — West Elementary School All meetings will start at 6 p.m. #AubreyISD #InTheZone24 #OMS
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
in the zone graphic
The first Owens Middle School attendance zone meeting took place this evening. If you missed it, Aubrey ISD is hosting two more Attendance Zone Meetings. Owens Middle School will be the district’s second middle school and is set to open in Fall 2025. Upcoming OMS Attendance Zone Meetings:    •   Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024 — Fuller Elementary School (Spanish Translation Available)    •   Monday, Nov. 18, 2024 — West Elementary School All meetings will start at 6 p.m. #AubreyISD #InTheZone24 #OMS
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
in the zone graphic
We honor and thank America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and readiness to serve and sacrifice. #ChapsAppreciate24
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
Veterans Day graphic
THIS WEEK! Aubrey ISD will be hosting Attendance Zone Meetings to provide opportunities for community conversations and input regarding the zoning for Owens Middle School (OMS). Superintendent Dr. Shannon Saylor will be present to listen to the community and answer questions. Owens Middle School, the second middle school in Aubrey, is scheduled to open in Fall 2025. OMS Attendance Zone Meeting Dates: *Monday, Nov. 11, 2024 Aubrey Middle School *Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024 Fuller Elementary School Spanish Translation Available *Monday, Nov. 18, 2024 West Elementary School *All meetings will begin at 6 p.m. #AubreyISD #InTheZone24 #OMS
3 months ago, Aubrey ISD
oms graphic
oms graphic