On November 16th, all AISD school cafeterias will be serving a delicious homestyle meal that students and staff won't want to miss! Here's what's on the menu for the day: Breaded Chicken Drumstick Mashed Potatoes and Poultry Gravy Green Beans Dinner Roll Pumpkin Pudding Dessert We highly encourage everyone to give school lunch a try on that day. Trust us, you won't be disappointed!
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
school lunch Nov 16 graphic
Congratulations to Aubrey ISD police officer Kayla Elizalde who has been promoted to sergeant. Sergeant Elizalde is in her fourth year as a full-time officer with the Aubrey ISD police department. She worked for six years at the San Augustine County Sheriff's Office as a reserve deputy, working patrol, dispatch and jail. A graduate of Kilgore College Police Academy, Sergeant Elizalde attended the University of Texas at Tyler while playing college basketball. Sergeant Elizalde is the first to hold the rank of sergeant with the Aubrey ISD police department which hired its first police chief in October 2013. The department is currently led by Chief Kevin Clayton.
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
congrats graphic of Sergeant Elizalde
Yesterday, we concluded our week-long celebration of Veterans with assemblies at all three elementary campuses. We had a wonderful time showing our gratitude and appreciation for the brave and selfless service of Veterans in our community. It was truly an honor and privilege for us to celebrate them. Happy Veterans Day!
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
Veterans Day graphic
All Aubrey ISD Campuses and Offices will be closed from November 20th to November 24th for Thanksgiving. View the full calendar here>> https://5il.co/22rnt
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
Thanksgiving Break Reminder
These varsity players attended yesterday's 6th grade game to cheer on their youngest fans, proving that being a hero is not just a noun, but a verb. #growingchaps
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
varsity players with 6th grade player
Set your clocks back and check the smoke detector batteries before going to bed tonight!
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
daylight savings graphic
Check out all of yesterday's adventures at 5th grade camp>> Be sure and check out yesterday’s adventures at 5th grade camp>> https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0dV5tNiyHbH3yK4ponBvZfbNxAcbeTpYL45y2WgFAw2RgnqmsHURtuT847KCbNHfUl&id=100066358604759
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
day 2 camp graphic
Native American Heritage Month
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
Native American heritage month graphic
Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11th each year. In the week leading up to Veterans Day, our campuses have planned activities to honor the Veterans in our community. November 8th Aubrey Middle School Assembly and reception at 9:00 a.m. November 10th Aubrey High School Luncheon celebrating staff who are Veterans Brockett Elementary School Assembly at 7:30 a.m. Fuller Elementary School Assembly at 8:15 a.m. Monaco Elementary Assembly at 9:30 a.m. Watch for more information from each campus.
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
graphic for Veterans Day military dad with son
When dressing up in costume and going trick-or-treating, it is crucial to prioritize safety. Here are some tips for a safe evening: 1. Trick-or-treat with an adult or in a large group. 2. Walk on sidewalks. 3. Stay in well-lit areas. 4. Carry glow sticks or use flashlights. Add reflective tape or stickers on costumes and bags. 5. Do not eat any candy until it has been inspected at home and review labels to ensure allergens are not present. 6. Stay on the porch when trick-or-treating. Never go in a strangers home or car. 7. Slow down and stay alert. 8. Wear costumes that say “flame resistant” on the label. Tips provided by dhs.gov
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
teaming up for a safe night
When dressing up in costume and going trick-or-treating, it is crucial to prioritize safety. Here are some tips for a safe evening: 1. Trick-or-treat with an adult or in a large group. 2. Walk on sidewalks. 3. Stay in well-lit areas. 4. Carry glow sticks or use flashlights. Add reflective tape or stickers on costumes and bags. 5. Do not eat any candy until it has been inspected at home and review labels to ensure allergens are not present. 6. Stay on the porch when trick-or-treating. Never go in a strangers home or car. 7. Slow down and stay alert. 8. Wear costumes that say “flame resistant” on the label. Tips provided by dhs.gov
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
teaming up for a safe night
Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Week Fact 3: Pills laced with even a small amount of fentanyl can be deadly.   Talking Points: Make sure your kids understand that even the smallest amount of fentanyl can have serious health consequences. Fact 4: Pills purchased online, on the street, or from friends are dangerous and could cause deadly accidental poisoning.   Talking Point: Emphasize the importance of never taking suspicious pills, as they could contain this deadly substance.   Learn More>> https://www.hhs.texas.gov/services/mental-health-substance-use/mental-health-substance-use-resources/fentanyl-one-pill-kills #OnePillKills
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
fentanyl awareness graphic one pill can kill
Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Fact 1: Fentanyl is a strong painkiller that can be deadly. Talking Point: Talk to your children about the danger of fentanyl and it’s deadly consequences. Fact 2: Counterfeit pills may look the same as real pills, but many contain a dangerous mix of fentanyl, which could lead to a deadly accidental poisoning.   Talking Point: Train your child to never accept a pill from anyone other than you or a medical professional. Learn More>> https://www.hhs.texas.gov/services/mental-health-substance-use/mental-health-substance-use-resources/fentanyl-one-pill-kills #OnePillKills #FentanylPoisoningAwarenessWeek
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
one pill can kill campaign graphic
At the regularly scheduled board meeting on Oct. 18, 2023, the Aubrey ISD Board of Trustees approved the hiring of Brett Dobbs as the new leader of Monaco Elementary School with the upcoming departure of current principal, Barbara Pitt. Dobbs holds Master of Education and Bachelor of Science degrees from Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant, Oklahoma. His most recent roles in Aubrey ISD were as assistant principal, campus behavior coordinator and campus testing coordinator at Monaco Elementary of which he's served since 2019. Dobbs has held teaching positions in Aubrey ISD, Silo Public Schools in Durant, Oklahoma and Caddo Public Schools in Caddo, Oklahoma.
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
photo of Brett Dobbs
At the October board meeting, the Pledge was led by Kylar Covey and Ella Moose. Covey holds the position of Brockett Elementary Student Council President, while Moose serves as the Vice President. In honor of National Principal Month, all Aubrey ISD campus principals were recognized and presented with gifts. The principals include Courtney Siggers from Brockett Elementary School (not pictured), Nathan Smith from Fuller Elementary School, Barbara Pitt from Monaco Elementary School, Jennie Petrasic from Aubrey ISD Elementary School #4, Dr. Heather Baker from Aubrey Middle School, Brett Phipps from Aubrey High School, and Jon Boettcher from the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP).
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
October Board Meeting Graphic
October 17, 2023
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
boss’s day graphic
DeAnn Hellman Morris, Tracy Yarbrough, and Marilyn Hampton were recently inducted as Chaparral Elite for 2023. DeAnn Hellman Morris moved to Aubrey in 5th grade. During her time as a student in Aubrey ISD, she wrote the lyrics for the current school song and was valedictorian of her class. After graduating, Morris continued to actively support Aubrey ISD. She played a pivotal role in the construction of the Chaparral Football Stadium, championing the bond that made it possible. Tracy Yarbrough, affectionately known as TY by those that know him, dedicated 18 years of his life to being an Aubrey ISD AG Teacher, FFA Advisor, and football announcer. Graduating from Aubrey High School in 1979, he was a standout quarterback for the Chaparrals. Throughout his career, Yarbrough played a pivotal role in shaping young men and women into resilient and capable leaders. Ms. Hampton dedicated 39 years of service to Aubrey ISD, ensuring clean and healthy school buildings for students. Ms. Marilyn consistently pursued excellence in her work, serving teachers, staff, students, and the community. She poured her whole heart into her service. We would like to extend our congratulations to the 2023 Chaparral Elite inductees. Their exceptional achievements and contributions have earned them this outstanding honor.
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
chaparral elite post picture of 2023 inductees
Aubrey Education Fundraiser
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
graphic for yard sign fundraiser
In 1962, President John F. Kennedy established National School Lunch Week to raise awareness about the significance of a nutritious school lunch in a child's overall well-being and its positive effects on their academic performance and beyond. #NSLW23
over 1 year ago, Aubrey ISD
National School lunch graphic